
A downloadable  copy of the following Bylaws may be found here:  MSA Bylaws




Last Updated December 2006

 Effective April 2007

Definitions. 3

Rule 1: Name. 3

Rule 2: Purpose. 3

Rule 3: Affiliation. 3

Rule 4: Jurisdiction, Territory. 3

Rule 5: Membership. 4

Rule 6: MSA Board. 5

Rule 7: Officers. 6

Rule 8: Executive Committee. 8

Rule 9: Meetings. 8

Rule 10: Voting. 9

Rule 11: Team Competition. 10

Rule 12:  Registration. 11

Rule 13: Disciplinary Matters. 13

Rule 14: Protests. 14

Rule 15:  Appeals. 15

Rule 16: Referees. 16

Rule 17: Development of Soccer 17

Rule 19: Effective Dates of Notice, Etc. 17

Rule 20: Amendment of By-laws. 17

Rule 21: Effect of Enactment 18

Rule 22:  State Association Responsibilities. 18

Appendix A:  Regulations of the Minnesota Soccer Association. 21



The following definitions apply to these bylaws and all policies of the Minnesota Soccer Association:

  • FIFA means the Federation Internationale de Football Association, of which the United States Soccer Federation is the national association member for the United States
  • USSF means the United States Soccer Federation, Inc.
  • USASA means the United States Adult Soccer Association, Inc. which is a national association member of the USSF.
  • MSA means the Minnesota Soccer Association, which is the state association member of USASA for the state of Minnesota
  • MYSA means the Minnesota Youth Soccer Association, which is a member of United States Youth Soccer Association and which is the counterpart for MSA for players under 18.
  • Club means an organization of one or more soccer teams usually playing within a geographic area
  • Team means a group of soccer player playing on the same side in soccer games.
  • Written means any non-verbal, recorded form of communication that provides the same traceability as a letter.  The intent here is to explicitly allow alternative forms of communication such as fax, email, posting on the association website and the like to substitute for posted letters.


Rule 1: Name


1.01  This organization shall be known as the Minnesota Soccer Association  (MSA)

Rule 2: Purpose

 2.01  The purpose of this Association shall be the promotion, development and regulation of soccer within the state of Minnesota.

 Rule 3: Affiliation

 3.01  This Association shall be affiliated with the United States Soccer Federation, Inc. (USSF) and the United States Adult Soccer Association, Inc. (USASA), and shall recognize the authority, rules and laws of those bodies.

 Rule 4: Jurisdiction, Territory

 4.01  This Association shall have jurisdiction over all members, officials, and players affiliated herewith and over all matters connected with this Association.

 4.02  This Association, in accordance with USSF Rules, shall appoint the following positions:

  1. State Referee Administrator
    Joint appointment by MSA and MYSA, as specified in Section 531-1 of the USSF Policy Manual
  2. State Registrar
  3. SRC Chair
    Joint appointment by MSA and MYSA, as specified in Section 531-1 of the USSF Policy Manual
  4. State Select Team Administrator
  5. State Select Men's and Women's Team Coaches
  6. Any other positions which it feels are necessary to carry out its purpose

4.03   The territory of this Association shall be the State of Minnesota and environs.

 4.04  The headquarters (registered office) of this Association shall be within the state of Minnesota, as designated by the Executive Committee of this Association.

 Rule 5: Membership

 5.01 Members

  1. Clubs, teams, adult soccer leagues, referee units, coaches' organizations, players' associations and individuals shall be eligible for membership. Where a Club has more than one team, each team shall apply for team membership.
    1. a. Voting Members: Voting members shall consist of member teams of this Association in good standing. Teams belonging to clubs shall be considered to be in good standing only if all teams within the club are in good standing. 
    2. b. Associate Members: Associate members shall be all interested soccer associations, all accessory soccer organizations, including, but not limited to, referees' associations, coaches' associations, and players' associations; and interested individuals.
  2. Each member shall advise the Secretary in writing of its organizational structure and address, of a designated representative and of any alternate representative eligible to vote on Association matters as to which members may vote.
  3. Each member shall be liable for such dues and assessments as are levied by the Board of Directors of the Association, and shall not be eligible to vote during such time as they are delinquent in the payment of such dues and assessments, or during such time as they are delinquent in the payment of any fines.
  4. Dues and assessments levied against voting members must be uniform.


5.02 Application for Membership

  1. Applications for membership shall be voted upon by the Executive Committee of this Association. All teams that are members in good standing of the Minnesota Amateur Soccer League (MASL), the Minnesota Women's Soccer League (MWSL), and the Minnesota Recreational Soccer League (MRSL), the Duluth Amateur Soccer League (DASL) and the Southern Minnesota Adult Soccer Association (SMASA) at the time of adoption of these by-laws shall be automatically accepted for membership in the Association.
  2. Applications for membership must be made in writing and shall be directed to the MSA Board.
  3. The Executive Committee of this Association may terminate the membership status of any member which is delinquent in payment of dues, assessments, registration fees or fines for a period of 60 days. Such termination may be offered without a hearing by giving notice to the member, provided that the member may void such termination by purging itself of said delinquency within ten days of such notice.
  4. The Executive Committee may, by 75% vote of all the members of the Committee eligible to vote, terminate the membership of any member upon presentation of evidence proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the member has engaged in conduct hostile to promoting soccer; provided all of said evidence is presented at an open hearing at which the member is afforded an opportunity to attend, and further provided that the member shall be entitled to present evidence on its own behalf, including the right to cross examination of witnesses presenting evidence against the member.

Rule 6: MSA Board

6.01  The board of Directors shall consist of the Officers of this Association and one league representative from each of the member leagues.

6.02  The Directors who are not league representatives shall be elected by the members in conjunction with the annual meeting of this Association.       

6.03  The Directors who are league representatives shall be chosen according to the by-laws of their respective leagues.

 6.04  All persons of legal age in Minnesota shall be eligible for election as a director.  An active referee shall not serve as President or Vice President of this Association.

6.05  The term of each director who is not a league representative shall be two years commencing immediately after election, unless otherwise specified elsewhere in these By-laws.

 6.06  Directors may voluntarily resign at any time. However, such resignation shall not relieve such member of liability for any unauthorized acts which he or she supported while acting as a director.

 6.07   The members may by a three-fourths vote of all members remove any person from the Board of Directors, for cause; provided that such action is taken at a special meeting called for such purpose and that the person subject to removal is afforded an opportunity to be present at such meeting. Removal of a Director who is also an Officer shall also terminate that person's status as an officer.

 6.08  Should a director resign or be removed from the Board before the annual election at which his or her term of office would otherwise expire, the remaining directors of the Board of Directors shall elect a replacement to serve for the remainder of such term. Directors at large representing member leagues shall be replaced by their own respective organization.

 6.09  The Board of Directors shall promulgate regulations in implementation of these by-laws for the purpose of regulating dues, assessments, registration fees and fines.

 Rule 7: Officers

 7.01  The Officers of this Association shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and a Commissioner. No person may hold more than one office at a time.

 7.02  The Officers shall be elected by the members in conjunction with the annual meeting of this Association. The term of the President, the Secretary, and the Directors at Large shall be for two years, starting in odd numbered years.  The term of the Vice-President, the Commissioner, and Treasurer shall be for two years starting in even numbered years.   

7.03  Sections 6.04, 6.05, 6.06, 6.07, and 6.08 of these by-laws pertaining respectively to the eligibility, term of office, resignation, removal and replacement of Directors shall likewise be applicable to Officers.

 7.04 President

  1. When in attendance the President of this Association shall preside at all meetings of the members except the annual meeting, and at all meetings of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.
  2. The President of this Association shall pass upon and approve all invoices of this Association.
  3. The President shall be the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

7.05 Vice President

  1.  When the President is not in attendance, the Vice President shall preside at meetings of the members except the annual meeting, and at meetings of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.
  2.  In the Event of a vacancy in the Office of President, the Vice President shall have the authority of the President until a new President is elected.

 7.06 Secretary

  1. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of the members, the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, and shall make a record of all actions of the Executive Committee.
  2. The Secretary shall attend to all correspondence of this Association and keep all records of this Association, except such records as are maintained by the Commissioner.

 7.07 Treasurer

  1. The Treasurer shall maintain a detailed account of the income, expenditures and property of this Association and shall provide a current statement thereof upon the annual meeting, and upon each regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.
  2. The Treasurer shall maintain all funds of this Association in a bank account in the name of this Association.
  3. Upon approval by the President, the Treasurer shall pay the bills of this Association from the bank account of this Association.
  4. The Treasurer shall be bonded, with the fee for the bond to be paid by this Association.

7.08 Commissioner

  1.  The Commissioner shall be responsible for
    • (a) Scheduling games for all cup competitions sponsored by this Association
    • (b) Maintaining records of team rosters, players, and referees
    • (c) Compiling results of cup competitions sponsored by this Association
    • (d) Acting upon requests by teams for permission to play games in those cases wherein permission is required
    • (e) Sanctioning all state, inter-state, and international tournaments not under individual league jurisdiction
  2. The Commissioner shall have jurisdiction to act upon all matters described under Rule 13 including:
    • (a) Maintenance of records of disciplinary actions related to team competition; and
    • (b) Maintenance of records of player eligibility

 Rule 8: Executive Committee

8.01  The Board of Directors may elect from its membership an Executive Committee consisting of at least five Directors, including the President and the Secretary.

8.02  In the event that the Executive Committee is not established, the Board of Directors shall have the authority and responsibilities of the Executive Committee.

8.03  The Executive Committee shall be elected by the Board of Directors.

8.04  Except for the President and the Secretary, members of the Executive Committee may be removed and replaced at any time by the Board of Directors.

8.05 The Executive Committee shall conduct the business of this Association.

 8.06  The Executive Committee shall promulgate regulations in implementation of these by-laws for the purpose of regulating:

  • (a) The conduct of business of this Association
  • (b) Registration of leagues, teams, players, and referees
  • (c) Team competition to assure compliance with USSF rules
  • (d) Disciplinary matters
  • (e) Protests and originating from all competitions sponsored directly by the Association; and directly by the Association; and
  • (f) Appeals of all protest decisions, including protests involving competition within a member league.

 8.07  Regulations so promulgated by the Executive Committee may be rescinded or amended by either the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors.

Rule 9: Meetings

 9.01  An annual meeting of the members shall be held at a place designated by the President. Officers elected in conjunction with that meeting shall take office at the conclusion of that meeting.

 9.02  Special meetings of the members may be called from time to time by the Board of Directors, by the Executive Committee, by the President, or upon written demand by two-fifths or more of the members.  In the latter case the President shall cause the meeting to be held within two weeks of such demand and notice of the meeting shall be provided within seven days of such demand; provided that the purpose of such meeting is described in such demand.

 9.03  When a special meeting of the members is called, the purpose of the meeting must be described in the notice of the meeting; and the members may act in relation to only such purpose.

 9.04  The Board of Directors and/or the Executive Committee shall meet a minimum of four times a year.

 9.05  The Secretary shall provide written notice:

  • (a) To all members and directors, of the meetings of the members, and of all regularly scheduled or special meetings of the Board of Directors; and
  • (b) To all directors, of all regularly scheduled designated monthly meetings of the Executive Committee.

 9.06  Notice of all meetings pursuant to Rule 9.05 shall be mailed by the Secretary not less than 10 days and not more than 30 days before the date of the meeting.

 Rule 10: Voting

 10.01  A quorum must be present at a meeting of members in order for a vote to be taken at that meeting.

 10.02  A quorum must be present at a meeting of the Board of Directors or of the Executive Committee at the time any vote is taken by such respective body.

 10.03  A quorum at a meeting of members shall be more than one-third of the members.

 10.04  A quorum of the Board of Directors shall be five persons eligible to vote.

 10.05  A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be more than fifty percent of the members of such committee eligible to vote.

 10.06  The Board of Directors and the Executive Committee may each conduct written votes of their respective members; provided that the matter to be voted upon is described in writing on a ballot submitted to all such members; and further provided that the ballot is subject to such rules as are laid out in the regulations of the league.

 10.07  Except as otherwise provided in these by-laws, a majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to carry any motion.

 10.08  For election as an Officer and/or Director a person must receive a majority of the votes cast. If no person receives such a majority upon the first ballot, a run-off ballot will be held between the two highest vote-getters.

 10.09  A director shall not be eligible to vote on any membership termination, disciplinary matter, protest, or appeal concerning any member with whom he or she is affiliated or affecting the position in any standings or cup competition of any team or club with whom he or she is affiliated.

 10.10  No voting by proxy shall be allowed.

 Rule 11: Team Competition

 11.01  The Minnesota Amateur Soccer League, the Minnesota Women's Soccer League, the Minnesota Recreational Soccer League, the Duluth Amateur Soccer League (DASL), the Southern Minnesota Adult Soccer Association (SMASA) and any other soccer league established by the Association shall be operated as divisions of this Association.

 11.02  Only clubs and teams that are members of the Association shall be eligible to compete in leagues operating as divisions of this Association,

 11.03  Member leagues of this Association shall have the responsibility for and the authority to:

  • (a) Accept teams into their leagues, provided that the teams have been accepted for membership by the Association. A league may admit teams on a provisional basis before they are accepted for membership by the Association, provided that the team has made application for membership in the Association at the time of admission into the league. The league may facilitate this for the team.
  • (b) Make its own schedule for regular season and league cup or tournament competitions, and any invitational tournaments or competitions it sponsors. The Association must approve participation by any non-league participants.
  • (c) Make such arrangements as are necessary for the provision of referees for its games, in accordance with USSF regulations.
  • (d) Promulgate such rules as are necessary for the regulation of competition within its league, provided that said rules are not in conflict with these by-laws and USSF regulations.
  • (e) Assess fees against league members as necessary. These fees shall be independent of any assessments made by the Association.
  • (f) Establish its own procedures for the resolution of protests, and the handling of disciplinary matters involving competition within the league, provided that all decisions may be appealed to the Association in accordance with its regulations regarding appeals.

 11.04  Teams which are members of this Association desiring to play a game with a team which is not a member of this Association must first obtain written permission from this Association.  Requests for permission to play such a game must be made in writing to the commissioner of this Association at least seven days before the date of the intended game; except that requests for permission to play foreign teams must be made at least thirty days before the date of the intended game.  Such written request must be accompanied by such fee as is specified in regulations promulgated by the Executive Committee of this Association. A single request and permission will suffice for a series of games in a cup competition. (Foreign team competition requires notification of the USSF)

 11.05  A team playing a game for which permission is required pursuant to section 11.04, without first obtaining such permission, shall be subject to such fines as are specified in regulations by the Executive Committee.


 12.01  Each member shall register with the  USASA and this Association.

 12.02  Amateur player registrations, accompanied by a fee as specified in regulations promulgated by the Executive Committee of this Association, shall be forwarded to the Secretary of this Association, which shall cause them to be registered with the USASA.  Professional players are to be registered with the United States Soccer Federation.

 12.03  The term of all player registrations shall expire at the end of the soccer fiscal year (Aug 31)

 12.04  A player can be registered for only one team at a time, except for competition within the Minnesota Recreational Soccer League.

 12.05  A registered youth player may play in games within the leagues of this Association, provided that the player has received approval to play at the adult level from the Minnesota Youth Soccer Association (MYSA). 

 12.06  In cup competition each club shall submit a roster to the cup commissioner. The roster may consist of any combination of players from that club's team provided that the number of players does not exceed 18.  The roster may not be changed subsequent to its submission and the players may not play for any other team during the competition.

 12.07  When a release form is required, either in accordance with the rules of the United States Soccer Federation, or in Accordance with regulations promulgated by the Executive Committee of this Association, such release form must be sent to and acknowledged by the Secretary of this Association before the player concerned may again be registered.

 12.08  Each registered player will receive a registration card with a current photograph which must  be shown to the referee before entering each game.

 12.09  Any club or team using either an unregistered player, an improperly registered player (e.g. a professional registered as an amateur or a player registered under an assumed name) or a suspended player in a game of a competition sponsored by this Association, shall forfeit that game.

 12.10  A player under suspension by the Association, by the United States Soccer Federation, or by any association affiliated therewith or with FIFA may not be newly registered during such suspension.

 12.11  The Executive Committee of this Association shall promulgate regulations for registering teams for competition sponsored by this Association, whereby such teams may be required to pay a registration fee and/or to post a performance bond in amounts specified in such regulations.

 Rule 13: Disciplinary Matters

 13.01  This Association, in coordination with its Leagues, shall have the power to deal with violations of the laws of the game and of the rules and regulations of this Association and of the United States Soccer Federation, and with misconduct during a game by any member of this Association, by any player or official affiliated with this Association or any member thereof, and by referees and spectators under the jurisdiction of this Association.

 13.02  Pursuant to section 13.01, this Association shall have the authority

  1. to levy suspensions, fines, revocations of membership, affiliation, and/or registration, and
  2. to order forfeiture, replay, or cancellation of games.

 13.03  Each member league shall consider allegations of misconduct by member players, clubs, teams, spectators and referees arising out of competition under its jurisdiction.  Any affected player, team, or referee may appeal a disciplinary action to the full Association pursuant to rule 15.

 13.04  The Commissioner of this Association shall consider allegations of misconduct by member clubs and teams, by players and officials thereof, and by spectators and referees under its jurisdiction, and take appropriate disciplinary action arising from competition over which the Association has direct jurisdiction.  Any effected player, team, or referee may appeal a disciplinary action to the Association pursuant to rule 15.

 13.05  The Commissioner of this Association shall provide a written report of all of its decisions to the Executive Committee of this Association and to any club or team, player, or official thereof, or spectator whom was the object of the Commissioner's consideration. The written report must be provided within seven days of the decision.

 13.06  The Executive Committee may require each member league to report all disciplinary actions taken within its league to the Commissioner, for the purpose of making the other leagues aware of its sanctions

 13.07  The Executive Committee of this Association shall promulgate regulations specifying the procedure to be followed by the Commissioner of this Association in considering allegations of said violations of misconduct.

  13.08  Notwithstanding any regulations of this Association, when any amateur or professional player, official of any member of his Association, or spectator under the jurisdiction of this Association shall assault a referee or official linesman, which assault shall amount to physical violence, the original jurisdiction to adjudicate the matter shall vest immediately with the Board of Directors of this Association; and such assault shall suspend the offender automatically for a period of at least one year from the time of such assault, and if circumstances warrant a longer suspension, a longer suspension may be imposed.

 13.09  When any player is sent off the field of play by the referee, he or she shall automatically be suspended from playing for at least the next game of his or her team or club, and for such additional games as may be adjudicated by his or her league. This section shall not apply to players sent off the field of play by referee for assaulting a referee or an official linesman, which assault shall amount to physical violence as referenced in section 13.08 of these bylaws.

 13.10  The Minnesota Referee Committee of this Association shall have authority to discipline referees and official linesman.

 13.11  The Board of Directors of this Association may exercise exclusive original jurisdiction over any disciplinary matter as to which the Commissioner or Minnesota Referee Committee is empowered to act by Rule 13 or by regulations promulgated by the Executive Committee of this Association.

 Rule 14: Protests

 14.01  Protests concerning games directly sponsored by this Association may be filed by only the clubs or teams involved in such game, and must be in writing and delivered to the Commissioner of this Association within three days following the day of the protested game.

 14.02  All such protests must be accompanied by such protest fee as may be specified in regulations promulgated by the Executive Committee of this Association.

 14.03  Such protests shall be considered and decided by the Commissioner of this Association and should there be any disciplinary matters related to the game under protest which must be considered by the Commissioner in accordance with rule 13 of these by-laws then the protest and such disciplinary matters shall be considered concurrently by the Commissioner.

 14.04  Upon considering such protests the Commissioner shall have the authority to deny the protest, or to order forfeiture, replay, or cancellation of the game.

 14.05  The Commissioner shall provide a written report of all decisions to the Executive Committee of this Association and to the clubs or teams involved.

 14.06  The Executive Committee of this Association shall promulgate regulations specifying the procedures to be followed by the Commissioner of this Association in considering such protests.

 Rule 15:  Appeals

 15.01  Appeals from decisions of the Commissioner, the member Leagues and the Minnesota Referee Committee may be made to the Board of Directors of this Association.

 15.02  Appeals must be in writing, and in duplicate, and must be delivered to the Secretary of this Association within ten days following the day of notice of the decision which is appealed.

 15.03  All appeals must be accompanied by such appeal fees as may be specified in regulations promulgated by the Executive Committee of this Association.

 15.04  A copy of any appeal from a decision concerning a game protested in accordance with Rule 14 of these By-laws shall be provided by the Secretary of this Association to the non-appealing club or team concerned.  The non-appealing club or team shall be allowed ten days from the date of mailing by the Secretary to deliver to the Secretary a written reply to the appeal.  Such reply shall be in duplicate.  A copy of the reply shall be mailed by the Secretary to the appellant at least ten days before the appeal is considered by the Board of Directors.  The time periods specified in this section may be shortened with the consent of both clubs or teams involved.  If no reply is received by the Secretary within the time allowed for delivering such reply, such appeal may then be considered.  Such appeal may be decided without granting a personal hearing to the clubs or teams involved.

 15.05  The Executive Committee of this Association shall promulgate regulations specifying the procedure to be followed by the Board of Directors in considering appeals, and in considering requests for reconsideration of appeals.

 15.06  The Board of Directors shall provide written reports of its appellate decision to the parties involved.

 15.07  Appeals from decisions of the Board of Directors may be made to the USSF Appeals Committee in accordance with the rules of the USSF.

 15.08  Appellants and parties replying to an appeal shall have access to all documentary evidence and pleading considered by the Commissioner, the member League, the Minnesota Referee Committee, and/or the Board of Directors in reaching their-decision, and shall be provided with copies thereof in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Executive Committee of this Association.

 15.09  Suspensions ordered by the Commissioner, or an individual League shall be postponed pending any appeal from the decision unless such a postponement is ordered by the President of this Association or by the USSF Appeals Committee.

 15.10  Except to assure that any disciplinary action taken by the Commissioner, a member league, or the Minnesota Referee Committee meets the minimum requirements specified in

  1. regulations promulgated by the Executive Committee,
  2. the rules of the USSF or
  3. the By-laws of this association,

the severity of such disciplinary action may not be increased upon appellate consideration by the Board of Directors.

 Rule 16: Referees

 16.01  The Minnesota Referee Committee shall operate as a division of this Association through the appointment of the State Referee Administrator.

 16.02  The structure of the Referee Committee shall be defined in regulations promulgated by the USSF Rules and Executive Committee of this Association.

 16.03  All referees officiating games sponsored by this Association must be affiliated with the USSF and have met all the requirements set forth by the USSF according to the level of the referee.

 Rule 17: Development of Soccer

 17.01  The Executive Committee of this Association may create a Soccer Development Unit to be operated as divisions of this Association in accordance with such regulations as may be promulgated by the Executive Committee of this Association.

 17.02  The Executive Committee of this Association has the authority to incorporate a subsidiary of this Association in accordance with Chapter 371, Minnesota Statutes, which subsidiary corporation may be known as the Soccer Development Association and shall be for the purpose of education.

 Rule 18: Colors

 18.01  The colors of this Association shall be royal blue and gold.

 Rule 19: Effective Dates of Notice, Etc.

 19.01  The effective date of any notice, permission, or other communication by any officer of this Association which is mailed, shall be the date of mailing.

 19.02  The effective date of any request, registration or other communication to any officer of this Association shall be the date of receipt by such officer or the date of delivery to his or her residence, whichever shall fall first.

 19.03 Where written communication is referenced within this document, any other form of communication that can provide the same traceability is specifically allowed.

 Rule 20: Amendment of By-laws

 20.01  These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members of this league in accordance with the procedure set forth in the regulations of this league.

 Rule 21: Effect of Enactment

 21.01  These By-laws shall be effective immediately upon their enactment.

 21.02  The Officers of this Association upon the date of enactment shall be elected and resume their duties following enactment.

 21.03  Clubs, teams and Adult Leagues affiliated with this association upon enactment of these By-laws and then in good standing with this Association shall continue as members of the Association upon payment of annual dues without having to reapply for membership.

 21.04  Upon enactment of these By-laws, all previous By-laws of this Association (Constitution and Rules) are thereby repealed.

 21.05  Should any section or sections of these By-laws be adjudged null and void by the United States Soccer Federation or by a court of competent jurisdiction, all other sections of these By-laws shall remain in effect.

 Rule 22:  State Association Responsibilities

 22.01  By-law 213 of the USSF is hereby amended to the MSA By-laws effective immediately & the following provisions take precedence over & supersede any provision entered herein to the contrary.

 Bylaw 213:

 State Association Responsibilities

 Section 1:

 (a) In addition to the other requirements of these bylaws, a State Association that is a member of the Federation on September 1, 1998, must undertake all actions necessary to amend its bylaws and policies by August 31, 1999, to include the following:

  1. The membership of the State Association and the members of the State Association shall be open to any soccer players, coaches, trainers, managers, administrators, and officials not subject to suspension under section 4 of bylaws 241, and to any amateur soccer organization in its territory.
  2. The State Association will not discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, or national origin.
  3. The Federation articles of incorporation, bylaws, policies, and requirements take precedence over and supersede the governing documents and decisions of the State Association and its members to the extent applicable under state law, and the State Association and its members will abide by those articles, bylaws, policies and requirements.
  4. The State Association will not join any organization that has requirements that conflict with the Federation's articles, bylaws, policies and requirements.
  5. The State Association shall register all of its players, coaches, teams, referees and administrators with the Federation at least once each year and timely pay all dues and fees of the Federation.
  6. The State Association and its members will abide by the Federation's articles, bylaws, policies, and requirements on interplay.
  7. The State Association shall have a Board of Directors (or similar body) selected through an open and democratic election process.
  8. Actions and policies adopted by the Board of Directors (or similar body), Executive Committee, or officers of the State Association shall be reported to its membership, or their authorized representatives, at least once each year at a meeting of the State Association's membership, with notice and agenda of the meeting at least 15 days in advance of the meeting.
  9. The State Association shall provide to the Secretary General of the Federation an annual report on the activities of the Association and most current annual financial statements within 90 days after the start of the Federation's seasonal year.
  10. The State Association will
    • (A) provide annually to the Federation copies of the State Association's constitution, bylaws, and other governing documents,
    • (B) submit changes to those documents to the Federation for approval not later then 90 days after adoption, and
    • (C) make copies of those documents available to its members.
  11. The State Association will provide equitable and prompt hearing and appeal procedures to guarantee the rights of individuals to participate and compete. Those procedures shall include that all grievances involving the right to participate and compete in activities sponsored by the Federation and the State Association and its members may be appealed to the Federation's Appeals Committee that shall have jurisdiction to approve, modify or reverse a decision.
  12. The State Association shall maintain its tax exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code.
  13. The State Association shall adopt policies prohibiting sexual and physical abuse that meet certain minimum criteria established by Federation (subject to any contrary requirements contained in state or local law applicable to the State Association).
  14. The State Association will allow the Federation to review the documents and procedures of the State Association, on request of the Federation not less than once every 4 years, to determine compliance with these bylaws.

(b) Individuals registered with the Federation under subsection (a)(5) of this section shall be members of the Federation with the rights accorded to them under these bylaws.

(c) If a State Association does not satisfy these requirements within the time specified in subsection (a) of this section, the State Association's membership shall be terminated automatically upon the expiration of that date.

 Minnesota Soccer Association

 1) Membership

Member Leagues may provisionally accept teams for membership in the MSA.  The team names and contact information for the team manager(s) will be forwarded to the MSA for acceptance at the end of the league's team registration period, and the MSA will consider the application for acceptance and accept or reject the team before the start of seasonal play.

 2) Voting

When an item requires approval of the membership, the polling of the membership shall take place in the most expedient manner available that still allows verification and traceability.  This may by direct vote, mail or email ballot, web voting or any other method that satisfies the requirement above.

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